New England Section of the American Urological Association

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Comparison of Surgical Complication Rates in Combined Hysterectomy and Masculinizing Gender Affirming Bottom Surgery Versus Staged Approach: A National Analysis
Marissa Kent, MD, Oluwaseun Adebagbo, BS, John Park, PharmD, Macie Gettings, BS, Sasha Nickman, BS, Benjamin Rahmani, BS, Ryan Cauley, MD, PhD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA

Background: Hysterectomy is one of the most commonly performed genital gender affirmation surgeries in transmasculine and nonbinary patients, and can be performed in a staged manner or at the time of masculinizing genital surgery (1, 2). Prior studies have suggested that adopting a combined approach carries an increased likelihood of complications (3, 4). However, relatively small patient cohorts with varying results were included. The aims of this study were to (1) define the cohorts of patients undergoing gender affirming masculinizing genital surgery with and without concurrent hysterectomy and (2) to determine the additive risks of concurrent procedures. 
Methods: Patients with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria who underwent masculinizing gender-affirming bottom surgery (GABS) from 2012 to 2022 were identified using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) database. The following principal Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes: 55980 (metoidioplasty), 55175,  55180 (scrotoplasty, simple or complex) or 56805 (clitoroplasty) were included. Patients were stratified by having a concurrent hysterectomy. Univariate analysis was done to compare the wound, mild systemic, severe systemic and all-cause complication rates between a single GABS and joint procedure with hysterectomy of any approach.
Results:  A total of 179 patients were included. Patients who had concurrent hysterectomy were, on average, seven years younger than patients who had single GABS (p<0.01). The two groups were similar in comorbid conditions, such as obesity classification, diabetes, and smoking status. The median total operative time nearly doubled in patients who had a combined hysterectomy (p<0.01). There were no differences in wound, mild, severe systemic, or all-cause complications between the two groups.Conclusion: Our study’s results suggest that hysterectomy at the time of masculinizing GABS can be safe when performed in appropriately selected patients. While these combined procedures take longer, as expected, their complication rates are similar. These findings can inform preoperative counseling, while also offering reassurance to surgeons. A combined approach can improve efficiency, access to care, and improve patient satisfaction.

TABLE 1. Patient Characteristics by Combined Bottom GAS
Single Bottom GASConcurrent Hysterectomyp-value
n = 17915920-
Age, mean ± SD39.26 ± 13.6832 ± 11.980.01
Sex/Gender, n (%)
Female39 (24.53)6 (30.00)0.73
Male117 (73.58)14 (70.00)
Non Binary3 (1.89)0 (0.00)

White100 (62.89)7 (35.00)0.01
Black/ African American24 (15.09)5 (25.00)
Asian8 (5.03)3 (15.00)
Non-White Hispanic16 (10.06)3 (15.00)
American Indian/ Alaska Native0 (0.00)1 (5.00)
Unknown11 (10.06)1 (5.00)
BMI Classification, n (%)
Normal - Overweight (<30)100 (64.10)13 (65.00)0.89
Class I Obesity (30-35)35 (22.44)5 (25.00)
Class II Obesity (≥35)21 (13.46)2 (10.00)
ASA Classification, n (%)
1-No Disturb/2-Mild Disturb23 (14.56)10 (50.00)0.0004
3-Severe Disturb101 (63.92)9 (45.00)
4-Life Threat/5-Moribund34 (21.52)1 (5.00)
Preoperative Comorbidities, n (%)
Diabetes10 (6.29)0 (0.00)0.25
Hypertension25 (15.72)2 (10.00)0.50
Smoker20 (12.58)0 (0.00)0.09
COPD4 (2.52)0 (0.00)0.47
Surgical Specialty, n (%)
Urology47 (29.56)0 (0.00)0.04
Plastic Surgery107 (67.30)19 (95.00)
Gynecology4 (2.52)1 (5.00)
General Surgery1 (0.63)0 (0.00)
Elective Case154 (96.86)20 (100.00)0.42
Principal Procedure, n (%)
Metoidioplasty [55980]78 (49.06)19 (95.00)0.002
Clitoroplasty [56805]31 (19.50)1 (5.00)
Scrotoplasty; Simple [55175]26 (16.35)0 (0.00)
Scrotoplasty; Complicated[55180]24 (15.09)0 (0.00)

Concurrent Procedure, n (%)
Vaginoplasty3 (1.89)0 (0.00)0.54
Urethroplasty (any code)36 (22.64)9 (45.00)0.03
Vaginectomy or Vulvectomy14 (8.81)11 (55.00)<0.0001
Muscle Flap/Tissue Rearrangement19 (11.95)2 (10.00)0.79
Intra/Perioperative Course
Operative Time, min, (median, IQR)154 [85, 350]305.5 [265.5, 340.75]0.003
Postoperative Course
Hospital LOS, days (median, IQR)1 [0, 6]2 [1, 2.75]0.25
Still in Hospital >30 days2 (1.26)0 (0.00)0.61
Readmission (within 30 days)8 (5.03)0 (0.00)0.30
Return to OR13 (8.18)0 (0.00)0.18
Abbreviations: BMI: body mass index; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; mFI-5: 5-factor modified frailty index; CHF: congestive heart failure; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. * Hispanic included those reported as white or unknown/not reported under race, **Other races include Asian, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. n, frequency; SD, standard deviation; %, percentage; A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

TABLE 2. 30-day Perioperative Variables by Combined Bottom GAS
Single Bottom GASConcurrent Hysterectomyp-value
n = 17915920-
Wound complications†23 (14.47)0 (0.00)0.07
Superficial SSI
Deep SSI
Organ Space SSI
Mild systemic complications‡10 (6.29)2 (10.00)0.53
Bleeding requiring transfusion
Severe systemic complications§1 (0.63)0 (0.00)0.72
All-cause complications*29 (18.24)2 (10.00)0.36
†Wound complications | Superficial surgical-site infection (SSI), deep SSI, organ/space SSI and wound dehiscence. ‡Mild systemic complications | Pneumonia, bleeding requiring transfusion, DVT requiring therapy, sepsis, urinary tract infection, renal insufficiency; §Severe systemic complications | Pulmonary embolism, unplanned intubation, ventilator support for greater than 48 h, renal failure requiring dialysis, cerebrovascular accident, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, septic shock and death

within 30 days. All-cause complications | all of the variables included in wound, mild systemic and severe systemic complications. n, frequency; SD, standard deviation; %, percentage; A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

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