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Prospective Assessment of Urologic Consultation at a Tertiary Care Referral Center
Maria Voznesensky, M.D.1, Peter Steinberg, M.D.2, Moritz Hansen, M.D.1.
1Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME, USA, 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.

Urologic consultation is an essential service provided by urology divisions. We examined urology call coverage diagnoses, acuity and management in our institution.
Data was prospectively collected for urologic consultations in a 3 month period. Patient’s age, location, diagnosis, level of acuity, encounter time, and management was recorded. Eight attendings, three residents and one PA provided coverage.
869 encounters were recorded, and 857 had analyzable data. Average age was 60.1 years old. There were 85 pediatric calls (10%). Urgent encounters involved 19% of patients; 81% were considered elective. Stones, infection and urinary retention were the most common diagnoses (See Table 1). 93% of encounters involved patients at our institution or the urology practice.
Distribution of diagnoses
Medication question7%
Missing data6%
Surgery related question4%

Of 857 encounters, 180 (21%) required patient contact and 677 (79%) were managed over the telephone. Average phone call was 8 minutes, and 569 (84%) calls were under 10 minutes. Face-to-face encounters lasted 43 minutes on average.
Procedures were needed in 63 (35%) encounters: bladder catheterization 27 (43%), transurethral surgery 20(32%) , cystourethroscopy 16 (25%). Management of these procedures was split between inpatient floor 32 (51%) and operating room 31 (49%).
These data show the majority of consults involve common non-emergent conditions, usually manageable over the telephone in a reasonable period of time. Clinical data describing the experience “on-call” informs residency curriculum development and hospital urologic coverage needs.

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